Risk & Incident Prevention

Assessing and Addressing Human Hazards

Security risk management addresses the human hazards; essentially the criminal and terrorist threat. It’s the process of analyzing criminal and terrorist scenarios to determine the likelihood that any relevant scenario could occur and the resulting consequences. BPS assesses how well our clients are prepared to prevent foreseeable incidents from occurring. 

WPV Checklist

Together these analyses provide the building blocks for effective security risk management and set the foundation for an effective multi-year security risk management master plan that incorporates key initiatives:

  • Security Risk Assessment – Identifying the applicable criminal and terrorist threats that are relevant to your organization and determining if you are effectively managing your highest security risks
  • Workplace Violence Prevention & Intervention – Ensuring that you have the appropriate workplace violence prevention and intervention program in place consistent with the OSHA General Duty Clause
  • Security System Design – How to efficiently and cost-effectively purchase security technology with confidence
  • Security Crisis Management – Ensure your business is prepared to respond to security emergencies which may occur without warning or have substantial consequences
  • Security Training – Ensuring your total workforce is properly trained and sufficiently aware to protect themselves and their coworkers
  • Security Audit – Auditing the effectiveness of your existing security program and finding opportunities for improvement