Our Code of Ethics

Clients and prospects can be assured of the highest level of service we are capable of providing.

BPS adheres to the following code of ethics in all business dealings:

  • We will view and handle as confidential all information concerning the affairs of product manufacturers and clients.
  • We will not take personal, financial, or any other advantage of inside information gained by virtue of design or consulting relationship.
  • We will inform clients and prospective clients of any special relationship or circumstances that could be considered a conflict of interest.
  • We will never charge more than a reasonable fee; and, whenever possible, the consultant will agree with the client in advance on the fee or basis for the fee.
  • We will neither accept nor pay fees or commissions for referrals or product recommendations.
  • We will not accept fees, commissions, or other valuable considerations from any individual or organization whose equipment, supplies, or services they might or do recommend in the course of providing professional consulting services.
  • We will only accept assignments for and render expert opinions on matters for which they are eminently qualified.